⛓️Supported Chains
The list of chains supported by minteandome API
Ethereum | 1 |
Goerli (Testnet) | 2 |
Polygon | 3 |
Mumbai (Testnet) | 4 |
BSC | 5 |
BSC-Testnet (Tesnet) | 6 |
Casper (Testnet) | 7 |
Casper | 8 (Coming soon) |
There is a mandatory field in many API endpoints for specifying the blockchain we are working on. If this field is not informed, it will return an error.
There is also an extra validation. Testnet blockchains cannot be used outside API testnet environments. For instance, it will return an error trying to use a Polygon Blockchain (mainnet) in the testnet environment for the API.
Last updated