Mint evolved NFTs

Mint or evolve NFTs require connection directly with the blockchain network.

Recomendation: If you are running JS Application, we recommend use SDK.

1) After call Evolve NFTs you will receive a response like this:

// Response after call Create NFTs

    "result": {
        "totalToMint": 1,
        "addresses": [
        "amounts": [
        "uris": [
        "jsons": [
        "images": [
        "ids": [
        "_ids": [
        "smartContractId": "65b6b72a18801bf21674b744",
        "blockchainId": "7",
        "typeBlockchain": 7,
        "minteableFree": true,
        "nftsCreated": [
                "smartContractId": "65b6b72a18801bf21674b744",
                "ipfsUrl": "QmZygrQQnuEMdBu4qdPCvpggn4S5CXpoVjF1WeqqSJF4W3",
                "path": "f7821381-0267-4138-a572-87ea4a32b536.png",
                "json": "d28124dbc4a15cf434f85fb14cea9d0d.json",
                "idNFT": 0,
                "wallet": "0x26c9a6b5f0412f21ff581ac223618f5901ccea3f",
                "contentType": "image/png",
                "status": 0,
                "type": 1,
                "attributes": [],
                "includeMint": true,
                "paid": false,
                "_id": "65b6f250dc82be020b636ec8",
                "__v": 0,
                "createdAt": "2024-01-29T00:33:20.738Z",
                "updatedAt": "2024-01-29T00:33:20.738Z"
    "error": null

This response is prepared for send information to the function in the smart contract.


Inputs Function MintNFTs

"abi": [
      "inputs": [
          "internalType": "uint256",
          "name": "_id",
          "type": "uint256"
          "internalType": "string",
          "name": "_uri",
          "type": "string"
      "name": "evolveNFT",
      "outputs": [
          "internalType": "string",
          "name": "",
          "type": "string"
      "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
      "type": "function"

2) You can use response /create-nfts and send data to blockchain (without parsing).

// PSEUDO-CODE: Example calling funcion to smart contract.

async evolveNFTs (smartContractAddress : string, blockchainId : number, nfts ) {
    const evolvedNFT = await MTMService.evolveNFTs(smartContractAddress, nfts); // CALL TO GENERATE NFTS
    // You wouldn't need parse the response, just call to smart contract.
    // if you send more than one nft, you need call N times
    const mint = await, blockchainId, nfts.ids[0], nfts.uris[0]);

async getProvider (blockchainId: string) : ethers.providers.Web3Provider {
    const chain = parseInt(blockchainId, 10);

    await (window as any).ethereum.request({
              method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain',
              params: [{ chainId : '0x' + blockchainId }], 
    return new ethers.providers.Web3Provider((window as any).ethereum);

async initializeContract (smartContractAddress : string, blockchainId : string, type? : SMART_CONTRACT_TYPE) : any {
    const smartContractABI = require(./../smartContracts/smartContractMinGeneric.json')?.abi; // ABI CONTRACT
    const provider = await this.getProvider(blockchainId);
    const signer = provider.getSigner();
    return new ethers.Contract(smartContractAddress, smartContractABI, signer);

async evolveNFT(smartContractAddress : string, blockchainId : number , idEvolvedNFT: number, uriEvolvedNFT : string) {
        const overrides = {
            gasLimit: 1672197,
        const contract = await initializeContract(smartContract.smartContractAddress!, smartContract.blockchainId!);
        let response;
        response = await contract.evolveNFT(idEvolvedNFT, uriEvolvedNFT, overrides);
        await response.wait(1);

In that moment , your nfts will be minted in blockchain and you could check in the Blockchain Scanner.

Last updated